
Showing posts from May, 2015

Read an Exchange inbox with WebServices and C#

In some situations you will need to read mails from mailserver. One of those servers is the Exchange. Reading it is pretty easy with the WebServices. At first you need to add the reference to Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices. After that you can begin to code. All you need are two functions. One to build a connection to the Exchange and the other one to find folder and read them.

get SharePoint Farm ID with PowerShell

If you need to get the ID of your SharePoint Farm, you need to use PowerShell. Getting it is easy you just need to enter the following two commands and the ID will appear. $SPFarm = Get-spfarm $SPFarm.ID

SharePoint 2013 app - get data from the SharePoint

For safety reasons apps are seperated from the SharePoint where they are installed on. Apps are installed on other domains and that is how the seperation works. Apps can't contact the SharePoint, because Cross-Site-Scriptingis blocking it. But there is still a way to get data from the SharePoint and with this way comes a permission concept into the app world. Permissions There is a library, called the Cross Domain Library, that allows to communicate with a SharePoint from app site. This library is aviable on every SharePoint 2013 and is easy to call. But wait.. if it is so easy to call a library that can get SharePoint data it is not saver than before. This library contains more than communication.. it authentificates the app against the SharePoint and asks for permissions. This happens right after the installation of the app. The installing user will be asked to grand permissions for the app. But how does the app know what permissions are needed? Asking for permissions is you

Basics for SharePoint 2013 app development

The biggest innovation in SharePoint 2013 is the app-architecture. With this innovation it is possible to install applications (apps) on a SharePoint. This applications can be developed by yourself or you can buy them in the SharePoint Store. They are totally detached of the SharePoint and got their own area. They can contain own lists, have own sites with custom code and they have their own interfaces. But it is possible to communicate with the SharePoint. My first app To develop an app you need Visual Studio 2012 or above and a development SharePoint. To begin start Visual Studio as administrator and click 'New project...'. A mask opens where you can choose a template. Go to 'Templates' → 'Visual C#' → 'Office/SharePoint' → 'Apps' and select 'App for SharePoint'.

How to set up a SharePoint 2013 app development environment (without DNS)

With SharePoint 2013 Microsoft integrated the app contept into the SharePoint world. This gives us new opportunities, but also sets new requirements. SharePoint apps got their own enviroment where they will be installed and run. With this step Microsoft made sure the SharePoint experience will not be affected negativ by bad running apps or apps that want to steal data. But this isolation requires, that apps got their new oen DNS entry. The app do not have the same URL as the SharePoint. An app URL looks like this: <prefix>-<GUID of the app (will be generated automatic)>.<appdomain> (example: To create and manage a new DNS entry is way to much work for a development enviroment and that is the reason why there is a way to do it without DNS.