
Showing posts from 2017

Set SharePoint's PeoplePicker value with jQuery

PeoplePicker and default values - not so easy in SharePoint. So if you want a default value for a field you need to set it by your own, but how?

SharePoint's Choice Fields: how to arrange checkboxes or radiobutto in one row

Of course there are multiple reasons to use checkboxes or radiobuttons - even in SharePoint. But the most common problem: if you have more than three choices your form is blowing up. The solution is to arrange them in a row. To do so we need to take a deeper look.

Canceled events in SharePoint calendar

Email-enabled calendars are great. Just add the calender into the recipients and your event appears in the SharePoint calendar. But what if you cancel the event? The event will be deleted in Outlook, but not in SharePoint..

Content Type Hub in SharePoint Online

Standards are good and sometimes you want some standards in SharePoint Online. A useful tool is the Content Type Hub. You should know it from SharePoint 2010 and 2013. Whenever you need it, you can create one, by activating the Site Collection Feature "Content Type Syndication Hub". This feature allows you to publish your Site Columns and Site Content Types to every other site Collection. So you might thing you can build your hub in SharePoint Online by activating the feature on a new Site Collection. If you do so you will get an error. It tells your proxy is not working correctly, but this is not true. In fact there is already an hub and you cannot build a second one. The hub is hidden so you cannot see it in the Site Collection Overview in your admin center. You need to know the URL: /sites/contenttypehub  

Restart the SharePoint OWSTIMER

There are a lot reasons to restart the Timer Job in SharePoint. You can do it by going to Services and stop the owstimer service. Is this the only way? Are there more even better ways? Well, there are some other ways, but there is no best practice. 

SharePoint REST - get more than 100 list items

Since SharePoint 2013 you can use REST calls to get or set data. But if you firing a call against a list with 101 items you will get only 100. The cause is based at the REST interface. To reduce server overload the result is limited - it is called server paging. That is pretty smart, but what if you need all results? There are two ways of solving this problem. The first and easy one is to set the $top flag. So you add ?$top=101 to your REST call and you will get all 101 items. This works fine until you have 102 items.

Website with animation with CSS only

In some cases it is needed to start animations on a website. If you are looking for some code you will find a lot of JavaScript solutions, but in my mind this is not the right way. JavaScript should be there for the logic, getting data and working with it and not for UI stuff. So there needs to be a solution without JavaScript. In this case: a div with background-color.. the color should change, after it is displayed. 1 2 3 4 <div class= "container1" > <div class= "container2" > </div> </div>